So I will go with a shorter list:
The Five Essential Things you Need to Know to Make Jewelry
This, of course, doesn't cover all jewelry ever! - we're talking basic strung necklaces, bracelets and most dangly earrings. This is going to give you a lot to work with.
- How to tie a secure knot
- How to crimp
- How to make a simple loop
- How to make a wrapped loop
- How to open a jump ring
The Surgeon's Knot is the knot of choice for a knot that won't unravel.
You can use this knot to knot to itself, or to knot two threads together.
The classic knot, the overhand knot, is knot that you all will know.
It's a loop and a poke and over and through, and that is the way it should go.
A beefier knot, we all are sure, is to immediately tie another.
We tie a new knot on top of the old, and hope that they work together.
Ah, but it's tricky - this knot on a knot - sometimes they don't get along.
You have to remember that opposites attract, or else the knot will be wrong.
So if you knot with the left over the right, the next must be right over left.
And conversely you see, if it right over left, then left over right it must be.
This give you a knot, a not-a-bad knot, that is known as the knot that is Square.
The feeble old knot, with both sides to match, is knot that we just can not bear.
It's so weak and infirm, it makes us all squirm, it is known as the knot of the Granny.
But a more robust knot, the Surgeon's knot - can be made just one more loop.
This knot has it's charms, you can stitch on old arms! It's strength is something uncanny.

And then at the last, don't go so fast, tuck the line through the loop one more time.
Now pull it tight, snug it up right, and have faith that your knot is secure. But make sure at first, that you have it in the right place, 'cuz you surely don't want to undo 'er.

(with my apologies to whomever I just channeled there - Dr. Seuss I think!)
This is an example of how you might use the knot. I have used a crimp bead as a bead for it's look, not to secure the knot.
Next week - Crimping, how to, what to crimp onto, and why.
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