I think we're turning Japanese, I really think so!
And because - we firmly believe that more is more - this week, you get 3 mm cube beads from Miyuki! You can bead weave with them, or just use them as accent beads between larger beads. A whole rainbow of them, from Transparent Red AB to Colour Lined Crystal/Dark Smokey Amethyst. Not to mention White and Metallic Silver and Black!
If you thought that pun was "wheely" awful and shows a "facet" of our personality that you "do-nut" want to know about - then - it's not going to get any better for you. ;-)
And you should know us better by now anyway!
So come on in and browse around!
Oh, and don't forget to take advantage of our sale this week! This week - in keeping with the whole Japanese theme - Japanese 11s - which is to say - size 11/0 Japanese seedbeads - woohoo. Until midnight, next Wednesday.
Each weekly sale ends at midnight on Wednesday. Be sure to finalize your order by the following Wednesday midnight - before the next sale starts - to ensure that you lock in those bargains!
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