Robert Burton's Wire Working and Wrapping 101 begins on Monday September 14th from 6-9pm. This class is a beginner class and runs for 3 weeks.

Cindy Vroom is offering a 4 week bead stitching course, Basic Bead Stitching 101 Continued. This class picks up where the 101 left off. It begins on Thursday September 10th, from 6:30-8:30pm. It will focus on a different stitch each week; Peyote/Brick Stitch combined, Russian Corralling Technique, Dutch Spiral and St Petersburg Chain. Students do not need to take all four, sign up for the classes you want. Students registering for all four classes will receive the discounted rate of $100.00. These are beginner classes.

Suzanne Crudden is back on September 16th from 6 to 9pm with an 8 week Metal Smithing 101 course. This is an introduction to Metal Smithing, focusing on cutting, filing, piercing, soldering, polishing, and using a variety of hand and rotary tools. Students will begin using copper and will move onto a silver band ring by the end of the class. This is a beginner class, no experience required. There are only 4 spaces left for this course!

Dwyn Tomlinson will be offering a 4 week Introduction to Lampworking 101 Part 1(Glass Bead Making), beginning on Tuesday September 29th from 7-9:30pm. This is a beginner class and will focus on the basic round bead, dots and bumps, stringers, twisties and controlling the glass. No experience required. This class is ideal for those who have no lampworking experience or those who have taken an introductory course and want to learn more. Part 2 of this class will begin on Tuesday November 3rd. A discounted rate of $480.00 will be given to students who register for both Part 1 and 2 prior to September 29th (individually the registration fee is $260.00/course).

We also have a few great classes coming up this month. This weekend we have 2 classes with Stephanie Dixon, Turquoise Lustre Blooms on Saturday August 22nd from 10 to 1pm.

From 2 to 5pm she is offering her Crochet Cuff Bracelet.

Amy Waldman-Smith has a 2 day 8 hour Introduction to Making Glass Beads class on August 22nd and 23rd. This is an introductory class, there is no prerequisite.

Heather Bell Denison has a number of classes coming up this month. Sunday August 23rd is Charmed I'm Sure from 10 to 5pm.

Saturday August 29th is Getting Hitched...Metal Clay Clasps from 10 to 5pm. This is an intermediate level class, students should have taken an introductory course and have experience with metal clay.

Metal Clay Fusion on Sunday August 30th from 10 to 5pm. This is a chain making class; it is an intermediate level class so students should have taken an introductory course and have experience with metal clay.

On Thursday August 27th is Pam Kearns new class from 6:30 to 9pm, I've Learned Peyote...Now What? Students should have experience with even count peyote stitch.

Don't forget about Happy Hour Torching from 5 to 9pm, buy one hour get one free. Dwyn will be around as usual and do not forget to book your torch in advance.
Happy Beading!
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