It is now so large, it is not even a single show, now it is a large series of shows (42! - near as I can find) in multiple locations, stretched out over 4 weeks. Not all are open to the public, as some are strictly wholesale, and some are specialized, i.e. fossils, gems, etc. Some single shows take more than a day to go through. The stories are legion! I've heard about folks spending 3 hours in a single vendor's booth, sitting on the floor, going through boxes and boxes of vintage beads. Finds of rare items. Killer bargains. Cardiac arrest inducing credit card bills. ;-P
If you are planning to go - here's some helpful info
Tucson Show Guide
Show Dates
One of the shows you might want to make a point of checking out is the Swarovski "Create Your Style" show. Feb 1 - 4 - they will be presenting classes and demos, and the show is open to the public. In addition, they are doing a series of "Sparkling Make and Takes."I don't have a list of all of the Make and Take Projects, but I can tell you about 4 of them - because we designed them and donated the kits.
First up - Brave Heart. Showcasing Swarovski's Wild new Heart design, and accenting it with pearls and crystals - this delicious pendant is surprisingly fast and easy to make.

Here come the Tucson Sun. Sun worshipers will rejoice in this Helios crystal - glowing with the heat of the southern sun, and accented with fiery* crystals.What a great souvenir of a warm escape from the winter this would be!

Spring is around the corner - can't you feel it coming? This is the Zen of Spring, with two colour choices, Water, and Growth. An explosive celebration of new life created with crystals adorns each one.

The Make and Takes are only $10 - and include the kits! The kits are donated, and all the proceeds are going to the local Tucson YWCA. Spaces are extremely limited, so sign up soon!
Do you need any more reasons to escape the winter and fly south? Ok - here's one more reason.
*Look Ma - I spelled Fiery right! ;-)
The Crystal Explosion Pendants will be presented on Tuesday, February 1 at 11 am, 12:15 am, 2:00 pm and 3:15 pm in Tucson.
More details here!
LOL, I just saw this re "fiery". What an amazing breakthrough!! (G) I am SO impressed!!
@figgs - ptttppht!
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