Which is to say - not all rocks are created equal. ;-)
In anything, there is an ideal - the bestest of the best. Take Lapis, for instance. If you think of Lapis, you think of a rich blue stone - the colour of the heavens, with a sprinkling of pyrite stars. Anything else, even though just as pretty and just as durable, falls short of that mark.
So when assessing a stone for its quality, we look to see how close it is to that ideal. Is it an intense, rich blue? Is it consistently coloured?
When indicating grade, grade A is good. Grade AA is better. Grade AAA is really nice stuff.
Ok - here we go with the examples.
Meet AAA grade Lapis. Notice the richness of the colour - the overall consistency, and how the inclusions are a relatively minor part of it, overall.

Next up, we have some AA grade Lapis. Still a rich colour, but more speckling of inclusions.
Also AA grade. Gorgeous colour, but a lot of pyrite. But still - how gorgeous is this?
This is A grade. Colour is a little dilute, and now the inclusions are noticeable enough that they become a distinct part of the design.
Also A grade. The batch over all was labeled A grade. You could make an argument for some of the stones being AA grade, but notice the misty cloud on the stone on the left. I personally love this look, and the fact that this decreases the price of the stone - well, hey, bonus! That doesn't work out for me very often! And look at the pyrite inclusions in the bottom stone (fool's gold). Freaking awesome.
So there you go - all of these stones are lovely - I'd be happy to own any of them - but now you understand a little bit more about grading, and that it has an influence on the price that can make a smaller stone more expense than a bigger one!
And if you are lusting after any of these in particular - shameless plug alert! - Wed, midnight at, www.beadfx.com. ;-) Cheers!
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