Or, for the dragon-fanatic (AKA moi!) - we have the tough choice - Winged Dragon Ascendent vs Chinese Serpent Dragon. Ok, you know that this isn't a tough choice at all - I choose both, with
And I can tell you that these shiney raku beads look freakin' awesome with last week's small turquoise beads. Just sayin'.
Oh, also new - ceramic bottle pendants! Make a beaded rope or hang on leather!
You can stuff
Or 10 mm and 5 mm flat leather in these lovely watercolour-inspired
Oh, and suede Regaliz too! And Bark! (That the pattern - it's not made of actual bark.)
And in keeping with the casual theme of these week - some lovely wood beads too! And check these out - Brass beads that look like some ancient ceremonial sacrificial knife! Kewel, eh?
So check out all the great new stuff here, or click on a link or image above! We ARE closed Friday - Good Friday, and Sunday, Easter Sunday - but we are open Saturday and Monday, so drop by or just shop online. Because there are no calories in beads, unlike that chocolate easter egg buffet that you say you bought for the kids. Twice. ;-)
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