Did your personal invitation to the inauguration go missing in the mail? Voicemail was too full of offers from collectors to take a message from the office of the president elect? Oh well, you can still participate by "
wearing your pearls."
I think this is kind of a fun idea - we've definitely noticed Ms. Obama's thing for pearls. And because of the soft, reflectiveness of pearls - they don't overwhelm on television, an important consideration when one lives life in a spotlit goldfish bowl.

Hmmmm - what have I got for pearls that I can wear? Definitely not the string of graduated rounds. Hmmm - how about this one? A lampworked vessel with a double strand of Cornflake Keshi pearls, with a stick pearl every inch or so. I started with a doubled strand, and worked from the center. I strung one strand of the side first, with the cornflake and stick pearls, and then when back and worked in the second strand of cornflake pearls.
The big loop through the handles? That's actually the Uber Curly Pig Tail - which, it turns out, is actually more like a hollow jumpring. When you push the two ends back together - turns out it is a big circle!!!! Who knew?
Sterling Tubes - 17 mm Uber Curly Pig Tails - Bright Sterling (1)
Freshwater Pearls - Cornflake Keshi - Champagne (strand)
Freshwater Pearls - Centre Drilled Biwa Stick Pearl - Charcoal (strand)
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