Our first sighting was in a park, just opposite the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. We promptly stopped the car to get a better look and as Cindy, Sue, Nadine and I sat there in the middle of the road staring at this gigantic bird staring back at us, we decided it must be a wild turkey. A google search the following day proved our suspicions right, this was no emu escaped from the zoo, it was a four foot tall turkey!

Next, there was an article in a local newspaper reporting a wild turkey sighting near Bluffer's Park.
Then, to my surprise, as a hawk flew by my kitchen window last Tuesday, a turkey appeared in the yard. By the time I grabbed my camera and made it outside, the turkey had disappeared. But then, from behind a patch of bergamot, a head popped out of the foliage. The turkey then high-tailed it for the neighbour's yard (Man, those turkeys can run!) and was last heard clucking in the distance. We're not sure what this turkey was doing roaming the suburbs of Toronto, but it definitely seemed like a fantasy!

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