Some of the best stuff starts as a way to use up left-overs. Think jambalya, trifle, quilts. Well - these dramatic earrings started as a way to use up leftover ends of beading wire, and turned into earrings in their own right!
You'll need some smallish beads - crystals or what-have-you - leftovers are good here too, those left-over ends from when you cut off the Softflex or whatever beading wire you are using. We are going to be folding them in half - so 8 inch pieces will give us 4 inch earrings. If you want to make them shorter, you can trim, or use shorter pieces. And some crimps. Base metal crimps are ok here - you are just going to flatten, not roll them! (I did use sterling crimp tubes - 'cause that's what I had handy - but you could save some money with silvertone base metal crimps beads.) And a pair of earwires. And two sterling crimp tubes - as they are bigger than the base metal crimps.
- So - pieces of beading wire - 3 per earring
- 2 sterling crimp tubes (bigger)
- more crimps
- beads
- pair earwires.
To get all these dangly wires attached to the ear wires in a tidy way - we are going to start with the longest scrap, fold it in half, and slide the earwire onto it and to the centre.
Next, poke both ends through a bead -
and slide the bead up to the earwire. This will be your loop.
Now - grab two more pieces of beading wire, fold them in half, and poke the ends through the bigger crimp - the sterling crimp tube.
And now take the two ends from the one you already threaded onto the earwire, and stuff them in there too - you should have a bundle of 3 pairs, 6 ends - sticking out of the crimp tube - and that's about all you can get in there!
We're getting close here now.
I find that in order to prevent from pulling they wires out while doing the final lining up - it is prudent to put something through the loops temporarily to prevent them pulling out of the tube. I used the other earwire, as it was handy - a piece of wire or a needle works too.
Nice and neat! Slide out your aligning wire and ...
And crimp that baby!
Now you have 6 sassy wires to string some beads on!
Slide your beads on, I tend to go for random order ...
Two beads together look nice too.
When you get to the end of a strand, add a crimp, and a bead, ...
and double back up through the crimp.
Squash and trim. I do this because the ends of the wires are scratchy and irritate my neck - so I prefer a nice smooth loop instead.
Carry on and do the rest of the strands.
Stagger the clusters of beads - so they don't all wind up in the same places.
Voila! Now make another!
And there you have it. I, of course, make them ridiculously long - so you might want to make them a little shorter!
1 comment:
I like it. Good project to get your creative juices flowing on this dismal "I can't believe it is snowing" day! LOL
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