Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Twelve Earrings of Christmas Project

It's that time again! Every year, during our most busy time, for some insane reason or another we decide to do an inspiration every day...for 12 days! This year, to keep the insanity somewhat at a minimum, we limited our inspirations to earrings. Whew ;-)   Kidding aside, we love doing this! It's now been more years than I can remember, and it's always lots of fun.

Dwyn and I worked on these in complete isolation (not on purpose, it just worked out that way). I think some of the similarities in the projects are quite amusing, considering that neither of us saw the beads chosen or the completed projects, by each other before we were both done - follow along with us over the next 12 days, and you'll see what I mean.

Dwyn kicks it off with Drummers Drumming

by: Dwyn Tomlinson

Well - we're kicking off our "Twelve Earrings of Christmas" today - 12 inspiring earring projects in a row, a new one every day - to take us into the new year! And - we're going to theme them to the old Christmas song - 12 days of Christmas. but, with somewhat loose interpretations of the original lyrics - because, there's a limit, really.

Jen and I will be alternating days - and I'm going to kick off with "12 Drummers Drumming."

Well - more like" The Drums! The Drums! The beating of the Drums!"

These bead caps remind me of drums, and I decided to cushion them with some nice pillowy donuts, because who wants someone banging on a drum that close to your ear.

Construction is straight forward - stack everything on a headpin and make a loop, hang it on a earwire, and you're done. This is the easiest, and most basic style of earring there is to make!

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