Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ok, so who's ready?

It happens every single year. I've got it all under control, and I think that this year will be different. Then, somehow at the last minute I've got a good 80 hours of work to do, and less than 30 hours to do it in. ;-) Something has to give, and you spend even more hours trying to figure out what will have to wait, and what won't. I think I've now got the absolute priorities narrowed down. My goal is to be completely finished by Wednesday night, so that Thursday I can clean the house, and Friday can be spent baking, and finishing off those handmade gifts I still haven't made! Yikes!

For those of you that find yourself in the same predicament as myself, I've compiled a few of some of our inspirations that can be used for last minute gifts that won't take hours to do! Here are three, but there are a ton more quick project ideas to be found on our inspiration pages!

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