Thursday, January 20, 2011

Making an Art Journal for Inspiration

We all get into a creative rut every now and again, and I think this happens more to those of us that create for profit. We try to create things that we know will sell, and that is pretty much a surefire way to smother out any creative sparks that may have been on the verge of igniting. At least that's the case for me!

I'm always trying to come up with ways to reignite that creative spark within me. Personally, I have so many other things that are more pressing - that trying to come up with new designs, or just allowing myself the luxury to play has been difficult. I've recently become entranced with the idea of keeping an art journal. The idea is to make a page (daily preferably) that will inspire you. The great thing about art journals is there there are no 'rules'. It does usually contain illustration, combined with text. It doesn't have to be your illustration - cut pics from magazines, design and photography blogs, flickr, anything that will inspire colour, texture, form - anything. Remember, this is a personal art journal - you're not selling it. You most certainly do not need to consider yourself an 'artist' this is a journal - yours. Show it, or not show it off. That's up to you.

Get yourself a sketchbook, start with a prompt of some sort, be it a picture, a word/phrase, or even a colour, and go from there.  Once you've completed your page - look at the imagery, and colours. Can you think of ways to to incorporate what you just made into jewelry? Chances are, this will get your creative juices flowing.

No idea where to begin? Of course there are a ton of Flickr groups for Art Journals - I love flickr! These two should get you started.

I was going to be brave and show mine...but I just can't. My little drawings and doodles look childish, and a little silly with mushroom houses that look an awful lot like the pigs from Angry Birds - ;-).  Will it inspire some new jewelry? Maybe, maybe not, but I did feel like I accomplished something creatively ..and it was lots of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I've really been getting into art journals in the past few months and I love your idea to combine that with creating ideas for making jewellery. Sounds like a perfect match!
