Wednesday, January 19, 2011


We've had some very positive feedback on our question of the month which is "What do you think of our inspirations - our weekly projects? Hate 'em? Love 'em? Ignore 'em? Never heard of 'em? If you haven't - check them out here: InspirationsFX"

Most of you 'love em', a few ignore them, and no one has actually come right out and said they hate them - whew :-)  The one criticism we have received is that there usually isn't enough information for folks who are newer to beading to figure out the process on their own. More instruction is required.

We're listening! Further to Dwyn's post on Monday regarding coming up with a series of blog posts that are more instructional.  We are planning on adding more info to our inspiration posts to make them more informative for you. This will be an evolving process, and we'd love feedback from you as we post them.  We try to keep the inspirations reasonable, in terms of the amount of time we spend making, writing, photographing, and posting them online. 

So, another call out for your input! We'd really love to hear about what you need help with, what you want to learn, and what information was missing before. Feel free to post anonymously!


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Please show the lengths of necklaces and bracelets....but necklaces are most important.

    Perhaps show a less expensive alternative to the items you use to make the jewellery.

    Just a couple of thoughts so far.

  2. Gail Davis Bryant4:24 PM

    Hi Jen, I really like the inspiration Friday idea, and I guess it's time I said so. I will send a picture of my latest necklace which was inspired by taking the "Coiling Gizmo" class at BeadFX, taught by Rae Huggins. I was most inspired by her encouragement to combine different kinds of bead elements and findings. I will send you a picture to post via the info at BeadFX address.

  3. Lyndsey7:31 AM

    I like the inspiration projects, but I agree, sometimes more instruction is needed.

    By the way, I am roaring with laughter at the cone used in the Moon Madness piece, called "Exterminate exterminate"! Daleks are a big joke in our family.
