Monday, December 14, 2009

Taking Great Photos: Recap

Well - I think I've covered about all I can for photography. My own camera is dying and I need to replace it - but I'm so used to it - I'm loathe to replace it.

I'll recap and relink so that you have one handy place to find all the pages.

And I leave you with this piece of advice - which is what made a big difference to me - but I hardly know if it will resonate with anyone else at all.

When it comes to taking great pictures - don't photograph the object - photograph the light. Anyway - it helped me a lot. ;-)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for all of the invaluable tips and info. I am sure that many will put them to good use. Now I can just check your instalments when I next take a photo....not to mention PRACTICE!!

    Merry Xmas.....Heather
