Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What's on my bead mat - October edition!

I thought that it was time to give you an update, on my beady activities! Well, my bead mat is actually a disgrace right now, so I decided to do my bead mat update, off the bead mat this time!! But the good news, is that I finished off a couple of projects this month.
First, my “Silly Goose” doll is now complete. Isn't she adorable? All the beading was finished in September, but I still needed to work out her hair. I normally add it right after I bezel the face, but this time the doll was telling me to mix up her media, and give her some needle felted hair. I had the needles, I had the hair…..all I needed to do, was…..wait for it…….actually do it!!!! I anticipated a lot of down time, at the recent BeadFX, Artisan Trunk show, so I used that free time, to do the deed. I’m not sure why I waited so long, but I did, so no excuses! As a freeform diva, I’m thinking that this doll is my favourite! I’ve been told that she doesn’t really look like a goose, but I’m committed to that name, and am not able to think of her in any other way. So much so, that I’m thinking that a wire nest is in order! What do you think? Although not green, I’m thinking that her riotous hair reminds me of someone else’s hair. I wonder who that could be? Giggle!
Next, I worked on a leaf shape, that I had hanging about. I quickly sketched a flower shape, that I’ve been doodling since I was a teenager, and then proceeded to bead it. This flower would normally have five petals, but there just wasn’t room for all five on this piece, so I elected to go with just four (although it doesn't follow my rule of one, three or five!). As a side note, I’ve drawn, painted, collaged, and free motion stitched this shape in the past, so I just had to bead it! The stitches used are a combination of beaded back stitch, and boucle or moss stitch (I also know it as the bocce stitch, but as I’ve never seen anything about that stitch in writing, I’m going to ignore that name). I’ll let the piece rest for a while, but I think my muse is trying to persuade me to incorporate it into a freeform necklace. Hmm, we’ll see!
Last, but not least, the little bead embroidered pendant, is something I finished off in my Nature’s Mood: Bead Embroidered pendant workshop, this past Saturday. It’s a class sample I started the last time I ran the class. My students were absorbed by their stitching, and the quiet was almost deafening! I hadn’t planned it that way, but It did give me time to get some stitching of my own done. Lucky me! After I initially planned the piece, I thought the stone/shell combination, reminded me of a rickety fence. However, now all I can see are sailboats! I'm not sure how I'll finish it off, but I suspect that leather might be part of the solution! It's not scheduled yet, but if you're interested in taking the class, I do plan to run it again in the spring.
Where will I go next? I have some ideas percolating, about the driftwood I picked up a couple of weeks ago, or perhaps my muse will let me start working on the naked purple doll! Or better still, I should clean off my bead mat! Sheesh! What are you working on, and what does your bead mat look like today?


  1. I love the silly goose doll😀 As for the bead mat will not embarrass myself today, simple words it's a mess. 😂😂😂😂

  2. Thanks Dizzy D! I just cleaned my bead mat, by dumping all the beads into bead soup! I now have lots of soup!!!
