Wednesday, October 05, 2016

BeadFX Shenanigans!

I bet you think that we spend all of our time, playing with beads! No so!!! Two big events, and a road trip, over the last few weeks, made for a burst of early fall shenanigans.
We started with the introduction of new Swarovski products (at our evening launch), towards the end of September. Next, Pam and I took our travelling road show of products, to the Needle Arts Fair, sponsored by The Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts, in Kingston, Ontario (last Saturday), and then back home, to participate in our Sunday, Artist's Trunk Show. Whew! A very busy couple of weeks! Needless to say, getting ready for these events, takes a lot of cooperation, and a small army of Crazy Bead Ladies (and one gentleman). I’d like to say that it’s all seamless, but a few oops, quirks, shipping delays, last minute ideas, disappointments, system and/or equipment glitches, always makes life interesting!
Let’s start with the Swarovski launch! One day, we arrived at the office, to see large wooden letters, spelling out the word Swarovski, laid out on the back packaging table (along with glue and many, many, packages of crystal flatbacks). Rochelle had already painted the letters, but then Marg sent out the “sparkle” war cry, and Rochelle, Amanda and myself, lost more than a few brain cells, applying glue, and sticking on about a million crystals (well it felt like it!). Even Dan got in the act, by getting out his level, and meticulously hanging said letters, high on the wall, early the next morning. The sign still makes me smile, as it’s a permanent reminder, of teamwork, cooperation, and another excellent launch!
Kingston has a rich history in art, textiles and the needle arts, so I jumped at the chance to be included in the Needle Arts Fair (you know that I have a fibre art background, don’t you?). Though smaller than some of the other shows we attend, it was chock full of both artistic excitement, and appreciation for all of the beady goodies we brought to town (size 15 Miyuki seed beads, Czech buttons, Dragon Scales and O beads, were all popular choices). Both Pam and I showed off our bead embroidery (mine also included mono-prints, free motion machine and hand embroidery), and basked in the heartwarming feedback, we received from the membership. There’s talk of a few teaching opportunities, and once the logistics are worked out, I’m sure that we’ll be taking our show on the road again. I wasn’t a witness, but I did hear about some blatant lobbying of the membership (not to mention the fact that my samples, went along for the ride)! LOL! My only regret is that I forgot to take photos of the show (in my defense, we were awfully busy). There were some magnificent vintage purses, life sized fibre art sculptures, and samples of guild members work, that I would have loved to share with you! Not to mention the drool worthy, fibre goodies, products and samples, from the other vendors. (Please note, the photos showing below, are all from the Trunk show).
Finally, we need to talk about the fabulous Artist's Trunk show, that was held at the store on Sunday. What we lacked in attendance, we more than made up with enthusiasm! We sold, and showed off our bead, glass, metal, enamel, fibre, and mixed media wares, while having a great time, chatting up the customers (and each other), giggling, eating and sharing a vast array of techniques. We missed you, but with a little luck, and a whole lot of planning, there’s always next year! An added bonus, is that I was able to finish my "Silly Goose", beaded art doll, but more about her (including photos) in the coming weeks!
Busy for sure, but certainly rich and rewarding in contacts, experience, and shenanigans! The Crazy Bead Ladies (and one gentleman) pulled through once again, and are anxiously awaiting the next chapter of our adventures!


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Wish I'd been there!

  2. You would have fun! Several bead looms available iin the store, so you'd feel right at home. LOL! Well. Perhaps they're a little smaller than you're used to....
