BeadFX - a Canadian bead store - staffed with crazy bead ladies. We post beady tips, video clips, stories, notices about classes and sales, and sometimes totally irrelevant stuff that we think is interesting and you might too!
Wednesday, August 03, 2016
The sky's the limit!
Did you ever look at a blank page, and wonder what the heck you were going to write on it? Creativity seemed to leave the building, as your brain froze in terror! Think back to the teenage years? Remember the horror? Similar things can happen, when you’re looking at a pile of beads, or other supplies like empty bezels, white dominos, glass tiles, or metal pieces. What to do, what to do?
The beads can be shuffled around, until you find something pleasing to the eye, but what about the rest of those blank promises? Clues, I know clues! Lots and lots of clues! Wouldn’t that help to fan your sparks of creativity?
Colour and texture are obvious, but how will you use them, and what form will they take? It certainly helps if you’re a magpie like me, and collect all sorts of bits and pieces. But if not, it’s never too late to start your own creativity box &/or idea file! Flip through your magazines, and cut or tear out anything that interest you! Old letters, photographs (copies, not originals), ledger paper, handwritten notes, cancelled stamps, security envelopes, children’s drawings, free or purchased images, commercial papers, fancy napkins, and colouring book pages, should all be fodder for your creativity! Focus on colour, shapes, textures, fonts, and just about anything else! Build yourself a nice, fat, file, and then take some time to sit down and play with your papers! You’ll be amazed at how soon the juices start flowing!
If the muse agrees, create a collage! Then audition parts of your collage, as a background for your piece (perhaps in a bezel, or even a domino). Do you like it? What if you decided to tart the collage up a little with some paint? How about framing it with a narrow layer of Iced Enamels, glitter, or even another collage? What if you included a charm, bead, or some type of natural element? Or how about shrinking a photograph to size? Do you see where I’m going? I’ve started you off with a basic background, and then I’m leading you into building a composition, by suggesting other possible elements.
But wait! You don’t need to limit yourself to paper! How about building a metal or fabric collage? You could even make a stitched fabric & paper collage! The extra texture would be fabulous and the principles are the same! As a self-professed, mixed up media person, I certainly wouldn’t complain! But then again, what about painting or printing (monoprinting, such as Gelli printing) your own backgrounds? Try it with either acrylic paints, watercolour, inks, or even alcohol inks. That would be totally cool and creative!
Play, experiment, and build your composition! Conquer the freeze, open your mind, and explore the possibilities. The skies will open up, your muse will be happy, and creativity will bloom!
Excellent advice! The pictures really help too. I find that my journal full of magazine pictures is the best spark for me.
Oops! I almost missed this one. Thanks Candy! For me, it's actually less defined, but I do get a lot of sparks, from the international paper swaps I participate in.