Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Lessons learned!

I had to learn a very hard lesson yesterday. When your intuition tells you to go shopping for a new computer, you should listen very carefully!!! Rats! Earlier this week, I browsed around at Best Buy, made a tentative decision to buy a Notebook, and then toddled off home, to think about it a little more. What I should have done, was to immediately back up my, older than dirt, desktop!!! Insert a lot of bad words here!!!! I had absolutely no problems, until I tried to fire it up today, to hear strange noises, and see the dreaded hard disk failure message. So needless to say, today's artsy, beady post is not possible. Sure, I could post a little more from my iPad, but unfortunately the photos are currently locked inside my bleeping desktop! My apologies, and with a little help from the "Geek Squad", I hope to be back in action by next week. Fingers and toes crossed! Meanwhile, pull out your supplies, and do something creative. That's what I plan to do....perhaps a little more concrete play? P.S. - Please don't forget to back up your computer.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Good reminder. I'm sure you will get your hard drive rescued. When mine made noise it was something hitting the fan! :) No really, part of the screen hinge had broken off and hit the fan inside and it would have eventually caused an overheating condition. So it was good I took it right in.

  2. I feel your pain, I had to get a firm to take all my designs off old computer that I had not backed up x

  3. Anne Marie, I am truly sorry. I fear the worst all the time and I'm lazy about backing it up as well. Lesson learned, indeed. I hope the Geek Squad can work miracles. I'm sure they can.

  4. Thanks everyone! I'm fearing for the worst, yet hoping for the best! I'll update you about the outcone.
