Monday, August 15, 2016


I love the amazing alchemy of creating a glass surface on metal using powdered enamels and a torch. There's something so satisfying about watching your design pass through the sugar coat then orange peel stages and finally become a glassy smooth surface. 

I've been torch fire enamelling for many years and I continue to play with this technique that seems to have limitless permutations. You can use stencils, ink stamps, transfers, frit, cats whiskers, millifiori, graphite, sgraffito, enamel paints, crayons and countless other finishes and techniques to create a one of a kind artwork on metal. 

One of my favourite enamel techniques I learned from Steven James is raku enamelling. The beautiful and unpredictable results are as fun to create as they are to wear. 

And speaking of Steven, he has a wonderful new book available called Discover Torch Enameling. It covers all the basics then goes through how to create so many fun and colourful enamel projects that will stretch your creative muscles and cement your enamelling skills. Steven also "stars" in free videos you can check out at  

If you're looking for some enamelling inspiration beyond the basics, then you must get Anat Silvera's book and DVD set Enameling Made Easy. It has beautiful projects and will introduce more creative techniques for taking your enamel work to the next level. 

I picked up some very cool new enamelling accessories recently, including an enamelling basket. This allows you to discard the screen on your tripod and get your flame directly onto the piece you are enamelling. 

I also bought some very cool heavy card stock stencils created specifically for enamelling by Eugenia Chan. There are so many patterns and when they are abstracted onto a small surface, they create amazing visual interest on your enamelled work. 

So if it's been awhile since you did a little enamelling, perhaps it's time to explore, research new techniques and create some components to include in your fall jewellery designs. Summer is a great time to take your enamelling studio outside!

Oh, and here's a little sample of some enamelled pieces I'm kinda fond of! Happy torching.  

1 comment:

  1. Marion Farrell2:02 PM

    Hi Cindy,
    I am intrigued by the different finishes you have in your final picture on this blog and wonder if you could explain how you created them? Especially the one with the bunch of flowers and the heart with the writing on it? How did you get the script on there?
