Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What's on my bead mat - July edition!

We’re having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave”, so what better way to deal with it, than a long, cool drink, a few beads, and some mixed media items? Once again, I’m all over the place artistically, but that seems to be a huge part of my creative process!
I facilitated two completely different workshops this weekend, and thoroughly enjoyed both, thanks to my eager and talented students! Who knew, when I was living the stressful corporate life, that I would get so much pleasure out of sharing my creativity? I always knew that there would be a “Plan B", when I decided to chuck it all, but I didn’t realize that it would come so soon. Also, I’m not really an art supply junkie; I’ve just been saving for retirement! At least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself! By the way, the bezel in the above shot is still waiting for its resin layer. Somehow, I didn’t get around to adding it in the class.
Which pixie misplaced my beaded pendant (last Friday’s workshop)? This one was made ages ago, but has mysteriously gone missing, and is probably somewhere in my home. Surprise, surprise! Did the faeries spirit it away? Is it hiding under the dust bunnies? Or could it have fallen into an open stash bag, a box, or that infamous “safe place”? Sure, I was able to stitch up a couple of replacement samples, but the mystery remains unsolved! The pendant I started in the class has not been completed, so I expect you may be seeing it in some future update.
I find that I’m never quite as creative in a workshop (resin this time), as I am when I’m working solo. Teaching is less about experimenting, and more about describing a process, and then demonstrating techniques. I had planned to experiment with resin and a torch, but I think that needs to wait for another day. Probably not a good idea to try it, with impressionable students!!!! Confession time! Gulp! I did use the torch just a little! Enough to realize that I liked the effect, but not enough for show and tell! Could this be another class in the making? We played with collage, botanicals and Ice Resin (including various colourants), and I even demonstrated Iced Enamels, and Pebeo Fantasy Paints (Prisme). We had a blast! The shell is a borrowed idea (I learned it on one of my internet groups, but my apologies, because I don’t remember who the tip was from), and a way to use up those leftover bits of resin. Drip them into a seashell, and turn it into a decorative element. This is my first one, but this serendipitous multi-layered approach, seems promising! I’ll be sure to collect some more interesting bits, for future shells!
My “Silly Goose” doll is progressing nicely (I’ve fallen in love with the Czech Rizo beads), though she’s still missing her hair! The pile of Archeology beads will be turned into a bracelet, the filigree pieces are for a future mystery project, and I’ve included a workshop teaser shot! It’s all fine and good, but I do have some paperwork to complete, before settling into any extended beading sessions. Wish me luck!
Despite the heat, summer is a fabulous time for both exploring your creativity, and discovering new techniques, so don’t forget to check out the BeadFX classes! Now point me to a cool drink, because I feel the need to bead, as I find all that paperwork terribly distracting!!

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