Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Coming to a Show Near You!

Trade Shows are part of the busy life of any company who wants to connect with existing customers and share their information with potential customers and students. BeadFX has already been busy participating in several shows this year. Although it takes a lot of time and effort to organize our participation, I love the creative energies that shows produce and the chance to meet new people!

Early in April we attended and did demos and quick classes at Artwaves - a show designed for folk painting, mixed media and general crafts.  We just finished up two other shows this past weekend: BEadFABULOUS (sponsored by the Toronto Bead Society) and Knitters Frolic (sponsored by the Toronto Knitters Guild). Both shows were busy and fun!

So what's coming up? Mark your calendars now to attend any of the following:

Inspiring Threads
Thursday, May 19
6:00 - 9:00pm
Humber College, North Campus (205 Humber College Blvd., Toronto)
This show is sponsored by the Embroiderers' Association of Canada and focuses on needlework. The show features classes and a marketplace. For more information about the show, go to http://www.eac.ca/seminar/main.html

Bead and Button Show
June 2016
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
While BeadFX will not be having a booth at this wonderful and prestigious show, we are sponsoring a Make and Take that will be lead on the Friday, June 10 by Pamela Kearns. Plus, in addition to Pam, we're proud to have four other BeadFX instructors teaching at this year's show: Marilyn Gardiner, Kelly Garland, Amy Waldman and Christine Woollacott!
Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters' Fair
Saturday, September 10
Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Complex (The Aud) (400 East Avenue, Kitchener)
This large fair has everything needed for avid knitters! We'll be bringing lots of beads to knit with as well as some other knitting-related goodies. For more information about this show, go to https://www.kwknittersguild.ca

Plus, we're planning to attend:

Toronto Bead Society's Fall Fair
Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15

October 27 - 29

Grand River Bead Society Show and Sale
Saturday, November 12 and Sunday, November 13

More on those shows as details are confirmed!

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