Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What's on my bead mat today?

My muse has been a little ornery these days, but I seem to have put a little crimp in her snit! I can't really identify the problem, but I just didn't feel like doing anything creative. Does that happen to you? I filled my time with reading and such, and while I've always loved doing this, I'm afraid that it cannot always compete against a full on burst of creative energy! If the scientists studied this carefully (and I know they have), I'm sure that they'd find out that creativity stimulates either your endorphins, or some other chemical in your brain!! Seriously, it's the best drug there is! (Image courtesy of the internet -
This week I've been either working on, or contemplating the following projects. A freeform peyote ring, my purple beaded art doll, another freeform beaded bead, and a few other projects not fully fleshed out yet. Let's start with the ring! I pulled most of the beads from my stash, but couldn't help buying a couple of tubes of orange and red Rizos, to use as an accent. The ring was terribly hard to photograph (red is just bad!), but I'm more than a little in love with the colour combination of red, orange and pink. Why did I choose this range? Are the bright colours a reaction to the dull, dreary weather? You'll be interested to know that I was able to start and finish the ring last Sunday. A quick and easy project! All that's left to do, is put away the mess of beads! Will I sort them back into their neat little tubes? No way!!! More luscious bead soup for me!
The purple doll has been patiently waiting for inspiration to strike! She's been sitting around for a couple of months, until I could decide what to do about her hair (I finally stitched on around 150 split rings). No hair ideas = a naked hairless doll! Unfortunately this doll's trials are far from over, as I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to bead her yet. Will I include some free form peyote, or just stick to intuitive bead embroidery? The main colours will be purple and turquoise, but as she's not talking to me yet, there's still lots of room for change.
My final project is another freeform peyote bead! This project will be ongoing, as I plan to continue making these beads until I have enough for a statement necklace. They're actually quite light, as the base is a wooden bead, so no worries about future neck pain!! Now what colour scheme should I choose this time? How about dark green? Although I haven't settled on the accent colour(s), I'll fondle the stash, and audition a few eager prospects. Do you have any ideas?
It seems like it's all or nothing for me! Weeks of frustration, followed by long periods of creativity! Doll and bead workshops have already been scheduled, and I'm currently designing another for the rings. More resin and collage (paper/fibre) projects are also in the works, so I guess that's another sign that spring is a time for renewal. Keep tuned!

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