Sunday, March 27, 2016

Transfer photos onto two-part epoxy clay

I taught this class recently at Beadfx and West Toronto Beading Guild and it's a super simple and fun way to custom make pendants that reflect your unique style and special photos. 

You can use pre-made bezels of any size, shape, depth and metal. Or you can use bezel wire, a hole punch and some rivets and wire to make any shape to fill with clay. 

Here's a couple of examples I made while on my retreat in France this past fall. Thanks to Debbi Simon for sharing this technique!

You can use Swarovski Ceralun, Crystal Clay or Apoxie Sculpt. I tend to use light colours as the image transfers better onto lighter coloured clay. Mix the amount you need as per manufacturer's instructions. 

Fill the bezel with clay and smooth it out. 

Cut out your image that's been printed using a laser printer (ink jet will NOT work) and place it image side down on the clay. Remember, if you're printing something with words or you don't want a reverse image of your mother's face, make sure you flip the image on your computer screen before you print it!

Make sure to burnish your paper image well and that you have contact between the paper and clay all over. 

After 24 hours, wet your finger and begin rubbing the paper image. You should find that the paper disintegrates and the ink remains behind, embedded in the dried clay.

Let it dry and finish it with a coating of MagicGlos or paint with clear nail polish. 

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