Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Let's talk texture!

Texture is one of those things that we seem to take for granted. It's all around us, but how often do we make a conscious effort to notice it? Raindrops on a lake, cracks in cement, rusty metal, peeling paint and rippling grasses, are all examples of textures in the great outdoors. Now let's examine some ways to include texture in your work!
Pair the creamy texture of pearls, with the soft sheen of silk. Match semi-precious stones, with fibre, wire, leather, buttons or metal. Create a collage of textured elements, and then add a smooth coat of resin. Or how about heavily texturing your polymer, epoxy or metal clays, before including them in a cutting edge piece of mixed media jewellery?
Adding texture to your work should be as natural as breathing! I suggest that you start with a simple pair of earrings, and then branch out to bracelets and necklaces? Pair the smoothness of a lamp work (or ceramic) bead, with wire, pearls and/or faceted crystal. Or how about adding knotted cords, leather dangles, or even feathers? You might also be interested in taking a look at the "Earrings Everyday" blog, for a daily dose of inspiration.
Experimentation is what it's all about! When you're wrapping a component, does it always need to be neat? Sometimes a purposely-messy wrap is all that's needed to turn the ordinary, into the extrordinary! Of course, that particular example might not fit your personal style, but I'm sure that we can all take small steps to add more texture to our work.
Books, magazines, workshops and the intenet, are full of examples of highly textured jewellery. My favourite magazines, such as Jewelry Affaire and Belle Armoire Jewelry, are packed full of exciting eye candy! Inspiration is always there, if you look closely enough! Why don't you give it a try?

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