Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Designing your way out of a paper bag!

Doesn't it just drive you crazy, when you try to think up a new design, but then find that you're in a total creative slump?  You have the time, you have the materials,  a deadline is looming, and then nothing!! So what the heck do you do? Tearing your hair out, isn't productive, nor is shutting yourself away in the dark, wailing out your misery!   So, let's explore some techniques, to unlock your ideas.....

1.  Go for a walk!  Use your camera, to take shots of anything that inspires you.  When you return home, relax, indulge in a snack, and your beverage of choice.   Then choose one photo!  Check out the colours, rustle through your stash, and see if you have anything that "tickles your fancy"! If not, visit BeadFX for a little shopping therapy.  Pull together a simple piece, out of the items you have chosen.   Don't worry about the end result, just focus on the colours.   You might be surprised at the results!!

2.  If I have a few leftover beads (the larger ones), miscellaneous bits and chain, I literally throw them in a paper bag.  I use these for in-between, or "rainy day" projects, but you can also use them, when your muse abandons you. Open the bag....fondle the bits....and let your creativity flow....

3.   Sleep on it!   I'm serious....if you go to bed, thinking about a problem, your sub-conscious mind will often solve it overnight.   Just remember to leave a pen and paper on your nightstand, and jot down your brilliant ideas, before they escape you!.

4.  Stop stressing! I promise the ideas will come.

5.  Forget about it!  Do you have any other hobbies?   Try working on something else for a while.

6. Meditate, exercise or take a yoga class..  Clear your mind!

7.  Give yourself permission to postpone the project.

8.  Clean up your table or workroom!   That's always good for a little creative procrastination!!!

9.  Fall down the Pinterest rabbit hole, for a while. Or google beads and beading (or whatever else you're trying to work on).

10. Make a date with yourself, for some uninterrupted time.

11.  Visit the museum or an art gallery, for tons of eye candy!

12.  Take a workshop....learn a new techique.....and did I say, go shopping?

13.   Check out the "Inspirations" section on the BeadFX website.

14.  But most of all, stop worrying!  The blockage is only temporary.......and you'll be back to your beading obsession soon.......very, very soon!

Shopping, talking and observing other beaders, is a great way to get the juices flowing again!  Form a support group with your friends &/or join a Bead Society.  You could also make a date to attend either the Wednesday evening, or Thursday afternoon, free beading sessions, at BeadFX.  Just give the store a call first, to reserve your place!

Finally, come visit our booth at the CreativFestival (North Building, Downtown Convention Centre - Booth #927), this Thursday, Friday and Saturday!   We'll have demos, make & takes, and enough goodies to spark a ton of creativity!

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