Thursday, September 24, 2015

True Blood - no wait - True 2 mm Firepolish at BeadFX

s46248 Firepolish - True 2 mm Faceted Round - Pastel Petrol Teal (150)
Once upon a time, there was a mighty family of beads - The Firepolish Family. These glass beads came in many sizes and shapes, and many, many colours. And, in fact - they still do come in many sizes, shapes, and many, many colours. And life was good. And still is.

s46247 Firepolish - True 2 mm Faceted Round - Pastel Light Rose (150)But then, there came the True 2 mm Firepolish. Because the OLD 2 mm Firepolish was a bit bigger than 2 mms, really. And the new 2 mm firepolish, well it's more like 2 mm x 1.8 mm. It's the new, modern lo-cal, diet 2 mm firepolish!

And it just slots into your bead weaving, or makes a great accent bead, or a good spacer bead between bigger beads in stringing. Lots of designs that call for 2 mm metal rounds - you can add colour with the True 2 mm Firepolish.

And now we've got all those new pastel colours!

mb11-2002 Japanese Seedbeads - 11/0 Miyuki Seedbeads - Matte Metallic Silver Greymb11-0435 Japanese Seedbeads - 11/0 Miyuki Seedbeads - Turquoise Green LustreAnd what do you need to go with those True 2s? Well - if you are making a beadweaving project with Miyuki 11/0s, how about some more choices there? Because we love to make your decisions harder by giving you more choices!

And if you are feeling a little restless and want to expand your horizons - and maybe investigate this Mixed Media s46485 Book -  Essential Techniques - Mixed Media Jewelrystuff you are hearing about ... you could start with Mixed Media Jewelry - Essential Techniques. 

Mixed media is more that just resin - it's combining all those other things you've dabbled with over the years! Paint, fibre, metal smithing, collage, rubber stamping, alcohol ink, glitter glue, polymer clay, dried macaroni. It's all fair game in the world of mixed media.

And don't forget - if you love a bargain - more items in the Disco section - that's discontinued and discounted to move!

As ever - the new items can be viewed here, or click on a link or image and hop directly to that item! Cheers!

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