Thursday, July 23, 2015

Shoot Loom for Bag

So, as the official photographer for BeadFX - I often arrive to find boxes, bags, and cryptics notes on my desk.

Last week - there was one of the Mirrix looms that we carry, on my desk, with a WIP (work in progress) on it, and a note that said "Shoot for bag." Well - it might have said that. Turns out it did say that - but I spent a lot of time trying to interpret "bag" as "class" or someone's name or an event. Cuz, you know, bags don't usually ask to have stuff shot for them.

Eventually, someone opined that the request was to "shoot the Mirrix Loom in one of our Yaazzi bags to show that they fit." Aha!

 So - here you see ... the Mirrix loom folded up and fitted nicely inside the bag. 

And the loom, when it is not traveling to more exciting places than I am ... 
The Yaazzi bag - or as we like to say - take your beads out to play!

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