Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Slip into Summer with June Classes

June? Wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago we were shoveling snow?

Yes, June is just around the corner. School wrap-ups, graduations, and getting ready for vacations. At BeadFX, we not winding down. In fact, we're gearing up for the best summer of classes yet!

June kicks off with classes in a variety of mediums including classes in three types of metal clays. Dwyn covered in a previous blog the differences between the three types of clay:

"All three types - Art Clay Silver, Prometheus, and Hadar's Clay - are "metal" clays - they are a very finely ground powdered metal, mixed with an organic binder. You work it and shape it like a pottery clay, rolling, wetting, drying, carving, etc. It is then fired to burn off the binders and leaves you with a solid-metal, finished piece. The metal powder doesn't melt, the metal powder joins to itself in a process called "sintering". 

"These are 3 different brands, from 3 different manufacturers: Art Clay Silver is pure, precious silver clay - so that your finished piece is made of fine silver. Hadar's Clay comes as a powder; you add water and mix it yourself. Prometheus is newish to market, and new to us, although not new to our instructor. It is a pre-mixed clay, and comes in two colours: copper and bronze."

Here are the scheduled classes for June 1 - 15:

Friday, June 5
Introduction to Art Clay Silver
Instructor: Jenn Jevons
11:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday, June 6
Mold Making for Art Clay Silver
Instructor: Jenn Jevons
11:00am - 5:00pm

NEW Wire Wrapping: Dragon's Eye Bracelet
Instructor: Jen Rosen
11:00am - 4:00pm

Sunday, June 7

NEW Toggle Basics in Art Clay Silver
Instructor: Jenn Jevons
11:00am - 5:00pm
Pebbledash Polymer Clay Pendant and Bead
Instructor: Barbara Colautti
11:30am - 4:30pm

Thursday, June 11
Hot Connections: Bangles Afternoon Class
Instructor: Iris Rogers Melamed
10:30am - 4:30pm

Spiral It Up Bracelet
Instructor: Pamela Kearns
6:00 - 9:00pm

Friday, June 12
Intuitive Bead Embroidery
Instructor: Anne Marie Desaulniers
11:30am - 2:30pm
(continues Friday, June 19; 10:00am - 5:00pm)

NEW Copper Charm Bracelet using Prometheus Clay
Instructor: Sue Henry
5:00 - 9:00pm

Saturday, June 13
Cold Connections 1: Rivets
Instructor: Iris Rogers Melamed
10:00am - 5:00pm

NEW Mixed Up Media: Bezels with Ice Resin
Instructor: Anne Marie Desaulniers
11:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday, June 14
NEW Watercolour Dreams - Mixed Media Cuff using Ice Resin
Instructor: Anne Marie Desaulniers
10:00am - 5:00pm

Getting Started with Hadar's Clay, Part 1
Instructor: Liz Reynolds
11:00am - 4:30pm

Complete information about each class, including course descriptions and applicable fees, can be found on our website. Click on 'Classes' and follow the links to the June calendar. 

Bring your projects and join us at our FREE open bead opportunities:

Wednesday, June 3
Wednesday, June 10
Open Bead Night
Facilitator: BeadFX staff members Bonnie Cottingham, Pamela Kearns or Malliga Nathan
6:00 - 8:00pm

Thursday, June 4
Thursday, June 11
Afternoon Bead Tea
Facilitator: Pamela Kearns
1:00 - 3:00pm

BeadFX is proud to offer these FREE sessions. In return we ask that you use our merchandise in our facility. Thank you.

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