Sunday, March 01, 2015

InspirationFX: Trilac


Get your creative juices flowing


by: Lee Metsalo

Here at BeadFX, we offer bazillions of different findings, not all of which are used to their fullest potential, and some which people constantly find new uses for.  While separators, links, connectors, space bars, etc etc, have their intended use, and are all quite functional, some are pretty enough to become the focal part of a piece. 

This bracelet is a simple three-strand stringing project.  The colourway here is quite subtle, but wouldn’t it be dramatic in black? Finish the ends with wire guardians, crimps, and crimp covers for a professional grade look.

 Tools used:  cutters,crimp pliers, flat pliers, bead stoppers


Go to our components list for this project and to buy what you need!
Need some help with some of the techniques? Check our tips page.

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