Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Business Chat - 10 steps to selling your work

Boy is my inbox full lately! Too bad they aren’t the “You’ve received a new order” emails, but hey, it is January so no one is really expecting those. No, most of the emails are “gee, it’s a new year and this year I really want to sell my sweaters/earrings/soap/pottery. I saw you at a show and thought you might be able to help me. Tell me how to sell my work.”

The answer is yes, I can try to help. 

I can tell you about how I got to where I am, and I can outline some steps that you must take. What I can’t do is make the decisions for you, or give you a magic bullet. I got to where I am by persistence and hard work. Harder than it needed to be because when I started there weren’t all these resources online. Persistence because there is no overnight success, there is no quick and dirty way to sell $10,000 by next month. It takes time. It also takes a lot of work you probably didn’t realize or don’t want to do. Simply making your work is not enough. You need to market it in order to sell it. And selling it is why you are here isn’t it?

So, in a nutshell here is how to sell your work.

1. Know what you sell.

What do you sell? Not sweaters/earrings/soap/pottery, you sell you the artist,  you sell magic, you sell a story.

2. Know who you are trying to sell it to.

Know your target market, exactly. You can’t be everything to everybody and you’re wasting your time trying. Find only those who LOVE you and talk to them.

3. Find a place to connect with those people.

Do your research and find where your people are and where they shop. 

4. Tell those people what you sell.

Great product descriptions. Great photos. Tell the story behind your work. How you make it. Why you make it. 

5. Let them know how your product will make their lives so much better.

Benefits not features. No one cares what the item is, they care about how it will make their life better.

6. Make it easy for them to give you money.

Once they think your work is going to change their lives, how do they get it? Do you have an online store with a nice clear shopping cart, a big screaming green “BUY NOW” button? Can they come to a craft show, are you in stores?

7. Exchange their money for your work with a giant smile and a big thank you.

Customer service is everything.  

8. Let them know how they can come back and buy more.

Repeat business is critical to your success.

9. Keep in touch.

A second sale is so much easier than the first. They’ve already told you they like you. Don’t ignore them. Say hi.

10. Repeat. Over. And over. And over.

Each of these points is a whole story in itself. So sit back amigos, over the next few weeks I’m going to tell you about all these things.


  1. well as my guys have been going through the best tips and hints on your web page and so unexpectedly developed an awful feeling I never expressed respect to the site owner for those secrets. These people were definitely certainly very interested to see them and now have actually been having fun with those things. We appreciate you actually being well kind and then for having some good subject areas most people are really desirous to be informed on. My honest regret for not expressing gratitude to earlier.

  2. I was pleased to see a post on your blog so quickly since I only signed up yesterday for the first time---and to have a topic that is always near and dear to anyone who makes jewelry. It is a good reminder of all that we need to do and should be posted prominently near our work tables to help keep me on track. There are several steps that are uncomfortable for me (the technology ones that require some real commitment to a process that isn't one I fully understand, so must learn), but thanks for a great list. Next time, it will be an email from me to buy something, I promise. Only "discovered" you all yesterday.
