Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Chain Reactions @ BeadFX

74211508 Chain - 11 x 8 mm Coloured Aluminum Chain - Black (Metre)One thing leads to another - that's the way it goes. You see some chain, and your reaction is - I could do something with that! For instance, you might see some of our new Coloured Aluminum chain, and think - o.m.g. - that's so huge, but the beauty of it is - it's aluminum, so it's lightweight. Unless you are in the U.K. - in which case - you are thinking that it should be spelled aluminium. And I would not argue with you.

74211517 Chain - 19 x 13 mm Coloured Aluminum Chain - Pink (Metre)But I digress. We have a veritable rainbow of colours - so you could choose black for a nice statement Goth piece, where only your angst will weigh you down and not the chain. Or you could go with a perky pink, which is 100% angst free. Or something in a pretty aqua? With these big chains, you can do multiple strands, mix and match colours, sizes, maybe throw in a strand of fibre or ribbon - weave it through the links - and you've got a 74211506 Chain - 11 x 8 mm Coloured Aluminum Chain - Purple (Metre)fun piece to wear to the office that looks very trendy, but won't fall apart the second time you wear it because it's made better than the trendy stuff. Because you made it.

s43400 Chain - 3 mm Rolo Chain - Rose Gold Plated (Inch)From fun and funky to on-trend but upscale - we have Rose Gold Plated chain. A little while back - we introduced you to Rose Gold Filled - so I just want to remind you of the difference between plated and filled. Filled is, in a nutshell, a much thicker layer of whatever the layer is; gold, rose gold, sterling, etc., and is more durable. And more pricey.

This rose gold plated chain is therefore, a little easier on the wallet. And, not really the same colour either as the rose gold filled, for reasons that I suspect have to do with their manufacturer. At first blush, it looks like a super bright copper, but we found that by draping it over our wrists, it seems to take on a warmer, rosier colour. Anyway you slice it, it's pretty and a nice bit of a chain-ge from the every day. (You saw what I did there. Chain. Change. Anyhoo ... )

s43357 Chain -  Oval Links - Mystic Mermaid (foot)In fact, we have a LOT of new chain this week, not just the Rose Gold Plated and the Large Coloured Aluminum. We also have new chain in Copper, Gold and Brass, Gunmetal and Black, and Silver, and even our not-so-large Coloured chain.
Here are some highlights!

s41162 Chain -  Triple Half Twist - Raw Copper (foot)s43363 Chain -  Solar Disk - Antiqued Copper (Inch)For instance, in the Copper Chain, we have this old warehouse score - limited quantity - Raw (Unplated, untreated) Copper. If you are looking for something to apply an antiquing effect to - this is your baby. This will probably change colour with time, so plan accordingly. Or, we have this decorative Solar Disk chain, in an Antiqued Copper.

s43367 Chain -  Throw me a Curve - Goldplated (Inch)s43371 Chain -  Chain in Chain - 18 K Goldplated (foot)In the gold chains, we have this rather elegant and dainty "Throw me a Curve" chain - and this funky Chain in Chain - wherein the links are made of chain.

s43365 Chain - 7 mm Rolo Chain - Distressed Gunmetal (Inch)In the darker chains, in gunmetal we have this Distressed Gunmetal rolo chain. This is a chain with some serious angst, s43376 Chain -  Twisted and Linked - Gunmetal (inch)appropriate for non-sparkly people. I definitely could see doing something for the guys with this one. Or this Twisted and Linked chain - more on the shiny side, and big enough to be a statement.

s43384 Chain -  Mighty Figaro - Bright Silver (inch)And if your thing is just plain old silver, make the pattern fancy, not the colour - then this Mighty Figaro - a varia

tion on the classic Figaro Chain might be right up your alley.
Quite a few of these chains are in more than one colour - so I invite you to check them out!

27758601400784 Swarovski Pearl - 14 mm Coin Pearl (5860) - Blackberry Pearl (5)We also have some 27758601600769 Swarovski Pearl - 16 mm Coin Pearl (5860) - Rose Gold Pearl (5)new selections in the Swarovski coin pearls - those lovely disk shaped simulated pearls. Blackberry, Light Grey, Cream, or yes, even, Rose Gold. Spotting a trend here, anyone?

We also have padded workmats - these are the same workmats that we feature in our classroom and you can now buy! They are a neoprene rubber, for a nice cushiony feel, excellent for poking around at your bead and cut down on the scatter and roll effect. The stenciled-on ruler is a nice touch, although, sadly, it is in inches only.

So whether you are changing it up or chaining it down, or just Lon Chaney - check out our Chains, because the times, they are a chain-ging.

So click on a link or an image to go directly to the items, or review all the new items here!

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