Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Join BeadFX and the Daily Bread Food Bank and help make a difference

Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that is fighting to end hunger in our communities. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. Daily Bread serves these people through neighbourhood food banks and meal programs in over 170 member agencies. - See more at: http://www.dailybread.ca/#sthash.byECiecW.dpuf
Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that is fighting to end hunger in our communities. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. Daily Bread serves these people through neighbourhood food banks and meal programs in over 170 member agencies. - See more at: http://www.dailybread.ca/#sthash.byECiecW.dpuf
Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that is fighting to end hunger in our communities. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. Daily Bread serves these people through neighbourhood food banks and meal programs in over 170 member agencies. - See more at: http://www.dailybread.ca/#sthash.byECiecW.dpuf
Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that is fighting to end hunger in our communities. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. Daily Bread serves these people through neighbourhood food banks and meal programs in over 170 member agencies. - See more at: http://www.dailybread.ca/#sthash.byECiecW.dpuf
Normally I blog about classes and all the exciting techniques that will be covered in coming weeks. This week's blog is different - we're asking for your help and support in giving to the Daily Bread Food Bank in December.

The Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that is fighting to end hunger in Toronto. They provide food to community food banks who, in turn, distribute it to thousands of families. The Daily Bread Food Bank also run programs to provide additional support.

Good people - through no fault of their own - are having difficulties making ends meet. The Recession  cost people their jobs and homes. Those who have managed to keep their jobs or find new positions are bringing home less money and need to make it last longer. The Holidays are an especially difficult time.

On a personal note, I spent about 14 months on Ontario Works (more commonly known as 'welfare') not long ago. It's scary and demoralizing when you need to ask for help. You live with fear and anxiety not knowing if you'll make ends meet and wondering what you'll do when you can't. I thank God (everyday) that financially I'm back on track. Contrary to popular belief, employed and unemployed individuals and their families need help from programs and services provided by the Daily Bread Food Bank. Seniors on fixed incomes who have worked their entire lives are also recipients.

Did you know:
  • Last year, there were almost 763,700 visits to Daily Bread member agencies 
  • One-third of people who rely on food banks are children.  
  • The average food bank client spends 73% of their income on housing, leaving less than six dollars a day for food, transportation, clothing and other basic needs.  
  • Spending more than 50% of your income on rent puts you at risk of homelessness. 
  • Forty-seven per cent have a disability.

The foods that are most in need are the same that many of us use on a daily basis:
  • Canned fruit & vegetables
  • Canned fish and meat
  • Peanut butter
  • Pasta and pasta sauce
  • Rice
  • Canned and dry beans
  • Beans in Sauce
  • Canned, powdered, or Tetra Pak cartons of milk
  • Baby formula & food
  • Mac & cheese
  •  Stew and soup
Join us and help make a difference. The next time you come to BeadFX for a purchase or class, please bring a donation with you. A donation bin is located in the front of the store near our Christmas Tree.

Thank you!
Pamela Kearns

  • Last year, there were almost 763,700 visits to Daily Bread member agencies.
  • One-third of people who rely on food banks are children.
  • The average food bank client spends 73% of their income on housing, leaving less than six dollars a day for food, transportation, clothing and other basic needs.
  • Spending more than 50% of your income on rent puts you at risk of homelessness.
  • Forty-seven per cent have a disability.
  • - See more at: http://www.dailybread.ca/about/#sthash.gEkJYZcc.dpuf

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