Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Designer Spotlight: Sabine Lippert

Sabine Lippert teaches beading workshops in Germany, England, and the United States, as well as at Creativa (a huge German trade show). She is the author of 2009's Das Perlenkochbuch (The Bead Cookbook), 2012's Sabine Lippert's Beaded Fantasies and she maintains an active and popular blog, on which she posts images of new beaded jewelry designs almost daily. Lippert also is a CREATE YOUR STYLE with Swarovski Elements Ambassador. She lives in Bonn, Germany.

I am absolutely in love with Sabine's work. She is constantly experimenting with new bead shapes and even invented one when she could not find exactly what she wanted. Sabine designed the new Rizo bead which is taken the bead world by storm. They are selling like hotcakes in the store. Click here to see out current inventory of them.
What I really wanted to share with you is the innovative way that Sabine uses spike beads. She has six patterns available for purchase on her website, but I thought I'd share three with you.

Prickly Triangles

Here the Spikes are in a triangle shape, building the base of a sparkling rivoli. The Triangles can be connected to a beautiful bracelet or simply be used as a little pendant. The instructions include 13 pages full with detailed drawings, pictures and text.
Required material: Spikes 17x7mm, Rivoli 12mm, double hole beads (e.g. Superduo (TM)), Bicones and firepolished beads 3mm, rocailles (seedbeads) size 11 and 15.
Beading level 2(intermediate)

Northern Star

Northern Star is a twinkling pendant, using the new spikes beads. Rivolis on both sides invite you to  make colorful vraiations. Because of this, the kits include two different rivolis in each pack. The pattern includes 13 pages. As usuall the instructions include multiple drawings and pictures.
Required material: Rivolis 14mm, spikes 7x17mm, bicones 3 and 4mm, round beads 3mm, rocailles size 11 and 15
Beadinglevel 2

Over the Top

A bracelet that catches the eye! The spikes are upright here like little thorns, so be careful! And always be kind with the person who wears the piece! The instructions include 15 pages full of pictures and drawings and detailed step by step instructions.
Required material: Spikes 7x17mm, round beads 6mm, bicones 3 and 4mm, rocailles (seed beads) size 11 and 15
Beading level: 2 (intermediate)

You can download two free patterns from Sabine Lippert's Beaded Fantasies on the Lark website here.

To take a closer look at what spike beads we have available, please click here. We have baby spikes, 17 mm spikes and fat spikes.

If you are on Facebook, please like her page. She so close to 5,000 fans!

1 comment:

  1. Sabine's work is wonderful, but I didn't know she invented a bead! That's cool!
    I met a woman at Jean Power's class who is working her way through Sabine's book. She has only one more piece to finish and then she will have done every pattern in the book! Now that's a fan!
    Nice posting Stephanie!
