BeadFX - a Canadian bead store - staffed with crazy bead ladies. We post beady tips, video clips, stories, notices about classes and sales, and sometimes totally irrelevant stuff that we think is interesting and you might too!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Rice is Nice, but Brass kicks ... Butt
Rice - it's what all the seedbeaders want. Not actual rice, because, it's not like any of us have time to cook - but Rizos - Rice-shaped beads. Blunter and rounder than a dagger, these could be a fringe, or use them to add some texture!
This shape of bead was designed by and developed with Sabine Lippert. You can see them in use on her site here, and here. And there is a very inspiring pin-board here with lots of ideas. (The little clusters are particularly appealing!)
Next up - a total score! Check out these brass rings! Rings as in rings-you-wear-on-finger. These have a raised edge, and are just screaming out to be embellished. You could peyote stitch around them (Pam is already working on that idea), or fill them with Epoxy Clay and cover them with Swarovski crystals (I'm going to try that, for sure) ... or ... what can you think of?
And speaking of screaming to be embellished? How about this engaved brass locket? Actually - we have two styles, fancy and plain.
But the real piece de-you-can't-resistance are the new brass stampings! Die-stamped and de-lightful. A real feather in your cap. Guaranteed to drive you batty.
But Wait - there's MORE. More new stuff.
A totally new product - WireLuxe. From the people that brought you Wire Lace - new WireLuxe. This is a woven band of wire, two bands, actually - with a criss-crossy web of wires between. It is soft, flexible, lightweight yet firm enough that you can push it into a zig-zaggy pattern, and it will hold its shape.
It has an elegent texture - and comes in lovely colours, including some metallic multicolours, like "Meadow." Use it "as is" or as a base to embellish!
Alrighty - that's a wrap for this week.
If you want to cheat and just go check out the new stuff, you can do that on our New Products page. ;-)
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