Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Beaded Laughter

Happy Monday - well, hopefully is for you. Thanks to the kidlets, I'm down with something - bad.  As my brain is completely non-functional today, I thought i'd share a repost from a while back. Many of you may have missed this, and it's a perfect cheer up for February. Sylvie has been making these for quite a while now - grab a cup of tea, or something stronger ;-)

Just in case you've missed this - Sylvie Elise Lansdowne has created an absolutely hilarious blog called Beaded Laughter - inspired by the Handmade Ryan Gosling site. Beaded laughter features among others, Gerard Butler (can't say I really notice the others), along with funny little quips for her friends. Love this, and it's certainly moving over onto my daily reading list.

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