Monday, February 11, 2013

Bead Soup Blog Party - 500 bead bloggers!

The sign ups are now closed - but the fun part will be following along with over 500 bead bloggers as they create jewelry utilizing the 'bead soup' sent to them by their partners. Ceramic, lampwork, metal clay, glass, wire art, metal, you name it - it's included in the soup. Lori has paired up over 500 artists! Each has a blog, and will be posting regularly about the process, and of course the final reveal of their finished jewelry.

Wondering what the party is all about? Be sure to have a look through for the complete details and a full list of the participants.

Lori wrote on her blog:

"Want to know more about this exciting, once a year event?

Detailed information is below, but the basic facts:  

::  I pair you with another jewelry designer.  ::

::  You send each other a quality package of beads.  ::

 ::  You make one or more pieces of jewelry with those beads, 
incorporating beads from your own stash as needed.  
The focal and clasp you were sent MUST be used.  ::

::  You post your creation on your reveal day, 
and you try to visit as many of the other designers' blogs. ::

I recognize so many names - and each participant is now linked on Lori's site. 2 years ago, I was paired up with Loreli Eurto : Here is part of the soup she sent me:

I still love all of these - how awesome!

And I sent her:

I'm now off to enter as many of the artists as I can into my RSS reader. 500 bead blogs!

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