Thursday, January 31, 2013

Back to the Past!

s35148 Stone Beads - 40 mm Donut Pendant - Jade (1)Last week - we invited you to explore your inner Ninja. This week - we're going waaaay back in time - so that you can explore your inner cave person, with Stones and Leather!
s35140 Stone Beads - 50 mm Donut Pendant - Denim Sodalite (1)We've come a long way from the days when impressing the ladies-who-lunch-on-roast-wildebeest at the local festival-of-the-returning-sun meant chasing a buffalo through the forest and trying to pull it's tail hairs out, or salvaging a scrap of leather for tanning before the wild dogs scavenged it, or just looking for shiny pebbles on the beach - which was, at least, less risky. Until the tide came in. Now we have a whole rainbow of colours to choose from - heck - we have more words for colours than ever before!

s35155 Stone Beads - 6 mm Round - Matte Amethyst (long strand)Stones from earthy Porcelain Jasper, delicate Rose Quartz, primal Amethyst, in matte, no less! Fiery Carnelian, to mystical Jade and bewitching Pyrite, a wide range of stones and colours to make you happy!

s35094 Stringing -  Regaliz Licorice Leather - Hey Barbie (Inch)Now - if chasing wild animals for their hide makes you happy - who are we to say otherwise? But, it you prefer to not spend the day cold, wet and in danger of getting stomped, and are a complete loss as to where to find an animal in Barbie Pink (ok - the aisles of Toys-R-Us is a good answer. But have you shopped there? It's a jungle!) Fresh new colours in the Regaliz Licorice Leather and the Flat Leather. And some round leather cord as well! (Including some pink here too. What does that say? The world needs more pink cows?)

If you'd like to get your ooga-booga on by hitting something - and you are s35109 Stringing - 2 mm Leather Cord - Dark Rose (1 Metre)comfortable moving from the stone age to the ... Natural Brass Age - well - we can make you feel like a Natural Woman (or a Natural Dude). New brass blanks from Vintaj - just waiting for you to start hammering out a design on them, gluing stuff to them, patina-ing them, (is patina-ing even a word?) and generally just s35125 Vintaj -  Guitar Pick - Natural Brass (1)putting your own, ahem, stamp, on them. (See - Guitar pick shapes - we picked this just for you; you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, you can't pick ... nevermind, keep calm and carry on.)

So, if you think we've come a long way, baby, remember, everything old is new again, and in the circle of life, the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round.

As always, wonderful, wonderful things - all over the site. I leave you to explore at your leisure. Click on a link or an image to go straight to the item mentioned above, or go to our massive list of everything, or if that page seems overwhelming - which we freely admit it is! - then try for bite-size portions by checking out these categories: Firepolish, Pressed Glass, Swarovski Crystal, Seedbeads, Stone and Pearls, Preciosa Crystal, Metal Beads, Other Cool Beads, Findings, Metal Clay & Supplies or Books, Kits, Tools.

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