Wednesday, January 02, 2013

A Beader's New Year Resolutions...

With the beginning of  new year, invariably comes the list of resolutions. Changes that we will make attempt for the next 12 months (only to fail miserably within a month!)

So I give you my new year's resolutions - from a beader's perspective.

I will clean off my dining room table of all bead related items, so that I can actually eat with my family at the table.

(photo courtesy of The Messy Beaders' Club
I will clean off the coffee table, so that I can eat in front of the TV.

(photo courtesy of The Messy Beaders' Club)
I will clean the bags of beads and such from the hallway, so that I can walk to the kitchen from the bedroom in the middle of the night and not stub my toe.

I will organize my beading supplies... MWAHAHAHA!
Click here for our organizing supplies.

And by organize my beading supplies, I mean,
  • put all the findings together, subcategorized by metal colour.
  • organize my seed beads by size. 
  • separate the two huge drawers of wire into gauge specific containers
  • buy a tool organizer for home
  • separate my beading supplies into for sale in my booth, for classes and for me

I will finish all my UFO's - unfinished objects. (fat chance on that one - although it's nice to have lofty goals)

I will use all the beads I have before buying new ones.
That's just impossible.
And silly.....

I will set aside time to learn a new technique every month. (Totally doable - especially now that I have Carol Cypher's Mastering Beadwork)

I will start my Christmas jewellery making for gifts in July instead of December.

I will take pictures of everything I make and create a scrapbook/journal of what I used and any notes/sketches.

I will organize my jewellery better.

I will work every month on my charity donations.... for The Corsage Project.

Have I missed anything?

What are your beady resolutions?

Better get started..... just after I look at Pinterest for a wee bit....


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I currently have a 3' x 3' square space in front of my MAC in my office for my chair to get in and out, the rest of the floor is piled high. So have fun with that, and when you are finished, let us know so that we can be inspired :)

  2. Gail DB5:11 PM

    OMG - this so looks like my house... only I think mine is worse -- lampwork, beading, crochetting, knitting, polymer clay, mending... oh yah, and too many clothes! And I'm having too much fun to clean up.
