Saturday, December 08, 2012

The Business Chat - Post show work, and an invitation!

When the announcement comes over the loudspeaker “the show is now over” a mighty cheer erupts from all. We did it! We survived the 11 day One of a Kind show! Once the cheering stops you wouldn’t believe how fast everybody starts packing up. The temptation to just throw everything in the car and get home is so strong but I have learnt that it is better to be organized and take a bit of time. Just because a show is over doesn’t mean the work has finished.
  1. Pack up slowly and carefully. Put everything back in its’ proper location, paperwork in its’ folders, jewelry in its’ containers. You’ll need to find stuff again and if it’s where it’s meant to be life is easier.
  2. If you have taken custom orders during the show get this made and out the door as soon as possible. You’ll feel better once all the work is done and when a customer receives their order exactly as promised you appear professional and business like.
  3. Do your paperwork ASAP. Add up your sales. Write down your expenses. Track your taxes paid and collected. Do this while it’s still fresh in your brain, within the first 48 hours after the show.
  4. The day after the show sit down and make as many notes as you can. What worked well for you? What didn’t? Write down 5 things you could do to improve your booth for the next event.
  5. Update your mailing list. Of course during the event you were asking people to sign up for you mailing list right? Put these names into your contacts list now.
  6. Update your social media sites with a mission completed type post. Blog it, facebook it, send out a newsletter. Right now you are fresh in the minds of your customers, you’ll stay there by staying in contact.
  7. Send a thank you email to the show organizers. Let them know that you appreciate their hard work and if you have any suggestions about the show now is the time to get your 2 cents in.
  8. Go over the cards you collected from your fellow vendors. These people are your business network. Send a quick hi to the most important ones – “hey, it was nice to meet you, I love your work. See you at the next one” type of communication is fine. We can all benefit from sharing information.
Now, sit back, pull up a plate of treats and congratulate yourself on a job done and finished.


For those in the Toronto West End area, here’s an invitation not to be missed! Join fellow creative entrepreneurs for a networking opportunity, a discussion on hot business topics, oh, and treats! I’ll be there sharing my words of wisdom along with the cookies.

Tuesday December 11, 2012 7:30 Fresh Collective 401 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto

What’s Your Personal Brand?
Come out for a fabulous round table and Q+A with the CEO and founder of Fresh Collective Laura-Jean Bernhardson. This Tuesday will be an evening of self expression and leadership combined with beautiful fashion. Laura will share her personal journey and discuss entrepreneurship, from one store to three retail locations in Downtown Toronto, plus her second business, Rowanwood Daycare. Q and A and conversation will follow! Wanting to break into the fashion biz or learn more about entrepreneurship? Come out and mix and mingle!
We'll wrap it up with a personal styling session with Laura-Jean and the staff of Fresh Collective. Beverages and treats on us!
To RSVP for this event please visit the following link:


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