Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jean Power's Geometric Beadwork

 Geometric Beadwork
 From Jean's website:

This 128 page books is crammed full of geometric beadwork to delight and inspire.
Featuring 28 projects (with over 170 diagrams and over 220 photos) there is something for everyone.
The book begins with the basics of geometric beadwork showing all of the techniques, tips and information you need to get started. It then moves onto colour and design considerations before separating into 4 different chapters: Triangles, Squares, Pentagons and 'Beyond Corners'.
Even if you have purchased instructions from Jean before, seen her patterns in BeadWork, or done some other geometric beadwork there are still many projects and techniques which are brand new, never seen before.
In addition to full page photos, so you can see all the detail, every project has:
  • The quantity and size of beads you will need
  • The colours used
  • The techniques needed (every technique needed is shown in detail at the start of the book or relevant chapter)
  • Sizing information (where relevant)
  • Variation ideas (again where relevant)
  • Detailed step-by-step instruction using a mix of text, diagrams and photos
  • Jean's favourite feature: 'In a nutshell'. This is for anyone who is more advanced and doesn't need each project completely spelt out. For you I have distilled each project down to its essential steps meaning you can read that and dive right in

The contents pages show all 28 projects so you can easily find the one you want at a glance
 The contents pages show all 28 projects so you can easily find the one you want at a glance

The projects use a mix of text, diagrams and photos for the instructions
The projects use a mix of text, diagrams and photos for the instructions

I am having a great time buying Delica's and creating triangles. What you see below are some Christmas presents that I have started from patterns in this book.

I snapped up this book as soon as it was available for sale and am really enjoying the projects. It's also autographed!!!

You can find this book and many others at
Start here to pick out your delicas. They are like potato chips - you can't just have one.

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