Monday, August 06, 2012

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

 Well, not me actually. Marg made this. Because, you know - it has seedbeads. Stitched. So you KNOW it wasn't me.

But I think it's gorgeous - and I like the contrast between the soft, felted bangle, and the very structured centerpiece. I also like that it is less ambitious than beading the entire bangle - which gives us non-seedbeady folks hope that, should we attempt it, we might actually finish it. ;-)

Marg made this in a class at Bead & Button with Carol Cypher. We have invited Carol to come here and teach in early 2013, and we are currently hashing out the details. (if you want to be notified when that class is available, join our mailing list or follow this blog!) 

The beaded part is called Cellini Spiral.

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