Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Seedbeads. Those itsy bitsy beads of glass. Mini morsels of deliciousness. I've succumbed to their allure like a sailor to a Siren.

They said it would happen. It's been years in the making. All those pretty colours calling out to me, beseeching me to buy them. Marg's laughing as I write this, I'm sure. She posted this picture on my Facebook page.

I love all the books in Master Beadweaving Series by Lark Publishing. I'm also very blessed to personally know some of the authors. They are very encouraging of me exploring the world of seedbeads. Really, they're just enablers, I say.

Before I left for Bead and Button, I bought Sabine Lippert's Beaded Fantasies. I've been dreaming of her Scheherazade pendant for years, and lucky for me it's in the book.

I made it in one night, six hours worth of time. And no hair was ripped out of my head!!

I am super excited that the latest in this Lark Series, Beaded Ropes by Jill Wiseman is now physically in the store. It will be ready for sale in a couple of days, but I'd reserve your copy today. (Do we do that? Lol!)

On Marg's recent trip to BeadFest Phillie, she took a class with Jill and picked up personalized copies of the book for each of us.

I've already started working on a Spiral Rope with Peyote embellishments. My goodness, it's like a whole new language.

I'm looking at seedbeads in a whole new way. I've fallen in love...hard.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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