Sunday, July 01, 2012

The Joy of Metal Clay: Happy Canada Day!

Today is the day for all the flag waving proud Canadians to go crazy.  My son recently was asking me about stereotypes and he reminded me a of a conversation I had with my husband while we were dating.  My hubby, who is American asked my what type of stereotypes we had of Americans and my answer was that they were a flag waving and very proud country.  He kind of laughed at me because my family was constantly sending and bringing me Canadian flags and items to remind me of home and  I don't think my husband has every owned an American flag (besides the ones I have bought for him and the kids).  Stereotypes are funny, sometimes we don't see our own craziness.

Anyway this is all to say that since discovering metal clay, I have found myself making Canadian themed items.  Well mostly maple leaves but I would love to make a whimsical beaver or moose one day.What Canada themed metal clay item (or jewelry) have you made? 

I found this fabulous bracelet in my mother's jewelry box and absolutely love it:

This makes me think of making some fun piece with Canadian stamps resined in metal clay boxes.  That would make a cool bracelet.  Add that to the list.

I went searching and found some fun Canadian themed jewelry:

  • Winter Child Jewellry - has some fun canadian wildlife jewellery
  • Artinas - located in Victoria and carries a wide selection of Canadian artist and Canadian themed jewellery.
Don't forget to adourn yourself with your patriotic jewelry and wave your flag.

And happy Fourth of July to any of our American readers, my dual citzenship family will be waving the Stars and Stripes along with you on Wednesday.

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