Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Class Update

Escape the heat, humidity, and the soggy rain this week - our classroom is cool and dry!

Wednesday, June 13th from 6 to 9pm join Rae for her Findings Please class.

Course Outline: Findings Please: It's a wonderful feeling when we get complimented on our jewelry and even better when we can say that we made it. Well after this class, you can elevate your pride even further when you design a necklace and make your own clasp. You will also learn how to make headpins and ear wires. So come on let's play with wire the Beady Arts Way.

Focus Technique: Wirework
Skill Level: Beginner to all Levels

On Saturday, join us for 2 brand new classes!

Saturday, June 16th - 10am to 2pm - Hot Connections 2 - Iris Melamed

Course Outline:
In this class you will learn how to solder multiple rings in a chain and then connect them with a soldering joint to other components.
You will start by forming the components of our chain necklace, including a hook clasp. After the design has been checked for balance and fit, we will start our multi-stage soldering process, including soldering with a third hand. Finally we will finish and polish the necklaces.
Technique Focus: Soldering connections and multiple ring.
Skill Level: Beginner
Pre-requisites: You have done the Hot Connections 1 class or experience soldering with a micro torch. Ability to close jump rings is an asset.

Saturday June 16th - 10am to 2pm - The Elements and Principles of Design - Maureen Toles

Course Outline: This class is a next step in jewelry making. It is an opportunity to learn the elements and principles of design as a foundation to plan and build your jewelry. You will complete a 36 to 40 inch necklace using hammered silver components, pearls, and gemstones. The necklace is designed to be worn as either a long single strand or doubled up.
Instructor: Maureen has been beading as long as she can remember and sells her creations privately and in dress shops. She has studied fine art and design.
Instructor Website: www.maureentoles.com
Technique Focus: Jewelry Design
Skill Level:Advanced Beginner, need to know how to crimp, make wire wraps and closing a jump ring.

Have a look at our full class schedule on our classes page!   To sign up, please call 416.701.1373, or toll free 1.877.473.2323 

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