Sunday, April 08, 2012

The Joy of Metal Clay: Happy Easter

Photo from Delphi Glass - Free Fine Silver Egg-creations (link below)

Well, it is Easter Sunday. Which lead me to search out Easter themed metal clay items...
The first item I found was a free downloadable tutorial from Delphi Glass pictured above. The instructions can be found at
Second, I found that Metal Clay Supply has a cute Easter chick and egg template from QuickArt(
te-Easter-Chick-Bunny-Eggs-p/54585.htm). Here are some samples from that:
Egg pendant from Metal Clay Supply site (artist unknown)
Metal Clay Supply's QuickArt Chick, Bunny and Egg template
Silver Chick taken from Metal Clay Supply site (artist unknown)
It is Easter Sunday. Happy day. I decided to search out what type of Easter themed metal clay items there may be out there. I quickly got sidetracked into spring like things.

I quickly got side tracked into looking at Birds which lead me to Joy Funnels blog and her "Bird a week" project. I had heard about this endeavour but had not found the time to take a look. Personally, as a child I told people I wanted to be an ornithologist, partially because I took pride and saying the word and knowing what it meant but also I do love birds. (in fact I have a great piece I made last week that I will share with you next week.) Anyway enough about me. Here Joy's final piece in the series. A Dodo. Isn't he awesome. You can find her other birds posted on her blog: Enjoy.

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