Sunday, April 01, 2012

The Joy of Metal Clay: Hadar is here this Weekend!!!!

Hadar demonstrating some ways to use our rotary tools.
Hadar is here, she is finally here. We are so happy!!!! What a great weekend it has been a classroom full of 20 metal clay enthusiasts and Ms. Hadar Jacobson. A room full of creative minds, lots of clay and tools, the possibilities are endless.
Lets look at what we have been up to:
It all started with extruding layers of copper, bronze and steel metal clay:
Tracy showing off one of her pieces, made from copper, bronze and steel clay diagonal cut through extruded clay.
Close up of Tracy's piece (unfired clay)
Liz and Deborah having fun! The extruder is not a cigar, Deborah.
A fired and polished piece, made from extruded clay by Liz Stenson.
Patricia and her great pieces.
More next week.
Thanks Hadar for a great time. Com back sometime soon. Please????

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