Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Joy of Metal Clay - A mixed metal clay piece

I have finally fired my mixed metal clay piece I started several weeks ago. The outer portion of the piece is three layers of metal clay. The first layer is bronze; second layer is copper; and the third layer is white bronze. To begin the bronze and copper layers were fired first. These two metals have a higher firing temperature. Then a layer of white bronze was applied and fired again. For the centre piece, I used a selection of white bronze, copper and steel. They were mixed together and all fired together.
Here is the result:
This piece could be finished more finely but for this piece I like the rustic look. I would like a greater contrast between the metals; Baldwin's Patina is said to do the trick but alas I do not have any right now. The chain is some heat treated copper; I haven't decided whether I want to keep it that way or darken it more.
Anyway I am looking forward to Hadar Jacobson's class at the end of the month!!!!

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