Friday, March 02, 2012

Bead Soup Blog Party

This year, I was lucky to be one of the 200 chosen for Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Blog Hop.  Tomorrow is reveal day. Here is your chance to view over 200 designs and blogs from artists across the globe. Each participant was matched with another - beads were exchanged, and you were given the task of creating jewelry to reveal on March 3rd. In many cases, the items sent are well outside of the comfort zone of the artist receiving them. I can't wait to see what everyone came up with.

 The links will be available on the blog hop site, or tomorrow on my blog I was insanely lucky to be partnered up with Lorelei Hill Eurto, who sent me an incredible selection of beads and fibers to work with. Lorelei will also have to full list of blogs tomorrow as well.

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