Monday, February 27, 2012

More about the Spike Beads

s31657 Glass Beads - 17 mm Spikes - Matte Dark Tortishell (6)Have you noticed the new "Spike" beads? Interesting spikey cones with a hole near the wide end.

When Marg showed these to me, my reaction was definitely - "Ok, that's cool," but all I was picturing was Gothy sorts of creations with spikes hanging down.

Laura McCabe - Spikey Beaded Sculpture
It didn't occur to me that the uses would be so ... architectural - like the way Laura McCabe uses them. And, in fact, these are inspired by Laura McCabe's work using stone beads in a similar shape. Check out the very cool stuff she is making. I like the eyes she uses a lot too. Wonder what she could do with a dragon eye?

Even more interesting is the back story, as told on Pbeads' blog.

"... these can be considered handmade. They are not pressed ... in a ... automated fashion. They are hand pressed, and (are) extracted manually from the mold."
I love finding out the story about how the beads we use are developed and made. Most of the manufactured stuff we use on a daily basis feels like it was made by some anonymous minion and designed by someone who actively hates you. (I mean - have you tried to read a shampoo bottle while in the shower lately? Figuring out which is the shampoo and which is the conditioner, while your glasses are over on the counter, soap is going in your eyes, and the writing is about 2 mm high - argh! And don't get me started on opening blister packs ... . )

Anyway - beads - made by real people and designed by other real people - some of whom you might actually meet some day! To be used by real people - us - you and me and all our friends!

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