Friday, January 13, 2012

A kid initiated beading weekend

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I've been gently encouraging my girls, especially the eldest, to work on art projects, various crafts, and of course beading. I've never pushed hard, but the materials (and help) were always available should they decide to use them. My youngest is not overly excited about any type of art, as you generally have to stay relatively still to work on anything. She's not capable of that ;-) The eldest however spends hours and hours drawing, writing, and cutting up vast quantities of paper.

I recently picked up a bunch of kids crafts books from the local library. The one that appealed to her the most is entitled Made by Me, by Jane Bull. It features a ton of cute little felt, and embroidery projects with button embellishments - little stuffed cupcakes, hearts, monkeys and owls. You could see the excitement building, and then the wheels turning...She leaped up, ran down to my studio, and came up with a bowl full of beads. Can we decorate the felt with these?   It looks like I'll have a busy weekend - and a perfect indoor activity since it looks like it's going to be freakishly cold out there.

I think she'll have an awesome time creating cute little things like these:

And I think I'll have fun making things like these:

What are you beading this weekend? Let us know, here or on facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the projects are so cute! Have fun - I am lucky: my son (8yo now) has always wanted to bead with me (which makes any trip to the bead store more expensive!) :)
